Thursday 5 August 2010

Date Night

Return from work on two wheeled bicycle at 9.30pm. Indefinite plans formulated with flatmate Johnny over text messaging service leave self half prepared for screening of recent Gerard Butler comedy The Bounty Hunter. Self back in groove of blogging after The Bad Lieutenant so looking forward to sharing attempted witticisms with flatmate Johnny during screening. Flatmate Johnny returns to flat tired and needing to do writing for work, so screening set back to later date. Undeterred, self visits shop for supplies and returns with view to watch Steve Carell/Tina Fey action comedy Date Night. Flatmate Johnny requests permission to sit on bed with new laptop, so self has audience, which self enjoys.

Having only seen poster for Carell/Fey product, self prepared for Get Smartesc action experience as posters for two films borderline homogenous:

Fear sparks in soul when Mark Wahlberg name appears in credit sequence. Mark Wahlberg in The Happening. Self need not say more. Self pauses film on VLC player to alert flatmate Johnny that he may wish to leave room. Flatmate Johnny busy planning trip to Frankfurt. Flatmate Johnny busy planning trip to SummerSlam. Flatmate Johnny still wearing glum face. Self suspicious that flatmate Johnny only in room to bully self. If abuse continues, self will not be taking flatmate Johnny on date night any time soon. Except to watch The Bounty Hunter, although self will consider screening as date with Gerard Butler rather than flatmate Johnny.

Beginning of film suggests self in for domestic comedy experience rather than exploding trains. Fine by self as Steve Carell/Tina Fey cute couple. Mark Wahlberg fear settled by arrival of better Mark, Mark Ruffalo. Mark Rufallo sad about upcoming divorce. Steve Carell now concerned with own marriage. Mark Rufallo much happier in Just Like Heaven. Self liked Just Like Heaven. Self father thought Just Like Heaven silly. Self will not be taking self father on date night any time soon, except to watch Me and Orson Welles, as self father obsessed with Orson Welles, although self will consider screening as date with Zac Efron rather than self father.

Carell/Fey go out for special dinner in city as marriage mouldy. Carell/Fey unfortunately mistaken for James Franco and girl who voices daughter in Family Guy and evil cop duo threaten to kill them unless Carell/Fey give them flash drive. Action begins. Ray Liotta appears. Self wonders why top dog baddies always have dinner on their own at small table surrounded by henchmen.

Now that Ray Liotta angry Carell/Fey in big trouble. Only solution visit to Mark Wahlberg. Marky Mark not wearing top. Self pleased as Marky Mark hardly ever took off top in earlier viewing of Invincible even though Marky Mark body well toned. Marky Mark not American football stat anymore but secret service freelancer with wealth of technology in apartment. Very useful for Carell/Fey. Marky Mark involvement in intelligence oxymoronic. Fey flirting with Marky Mark (who can blame her: he can speak Israeli and has hardbody Israeli girlfriend who wants to "make the sex" with Carell/Fey) and Carell saddened. Carell/Fey have to ask questions about their relationship and revelatory home truths discussed. Feel as if film coupling domestic comedy and action genres adeptly. Flatmate Johnny, still in room completing online Guardian crosswords, pipes up with "This would make an awful radio play." Comment valueless as Date Night not radio play.

Steve Carell character just like character in Get Smart but character has gotten smarter. Date Night quite sweet although suffers from lack of further involvement from Mark Ruffalo. Carell/Fey non odd couple. Self surprised to find self tearing up at end. Self can't explain emotional response as self has only had two bottles of wine and one stolen cider formerly belonging to flatmate Johnny. Self jealous of action-packed adventurous fun on Carell/Fey date as self dates don't involve guns. Self dates usually include chicken, beers, flatmate Johnny and Gerard Butler. Decide self dates just like heaven.

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